Wednesday, August 30, 2023

What is Neurorehabilitation?

What is neurorehabilitation?

 The nerves in the nervous system get created and die only once. If the nerves are lost once, there is no way of bringing them back. But it is possible to create a connection with the nerves that still thrive.

Though nerves cannot be born newly, the nerves can create a connection with other nerves. Through this connection, the nerves can share information and even learn new things. This is called plasticity and this principle is used in neurorehabilitation.

Neurorehabilitation is a standard part of neurology treatment for patients who have any diseases relating to the brain. Medications might work on the nerves that are in the process of dying but once they are dead, medications cannot help. Neurorehabilitation and physiotherapy are the only ways to help the existing nerves learn the functions that the dead nerves were responsible for.

A stroke happens when there is a blood clot or blood leakage in the brain. This can cause severe damage to the nervous system. The nerves that remain have different functions and it takes time for them to learn the functions of the dead nerves. Neurorehabilitation helps speed up the process.

Time is crucial for neurorehabilitation. In stroke patients, neurorehabilitation should be done starting from 24 hours to 6 months after the stroke attack. If neuro rehabilitation is not done within 6 months then it might take a longer time for the nerves to learn the new skills.

Kauvery Hospital

 Discover world-class neurology care at our renowned Neuro Hospital in Trichy. Our team includes the best neurosurgeons in Trichy, ensuring top-notch medical expertise for all your neurological needs. With state-of-the-art facilities and a patient-centered approach, we are dedicated to providing the highest quality care and treatment options.

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What is vascular Age?

What is vascular age?Vascular age refers to the age of the muscles in the blood vessels. The age of the blood vessels should match the age of the person but some factors can make the blood vessels age faster.

There are a few methods to find your vascular age. First is the medical history – age, gender, blood pressure levels, blood sugar levels, HDL and LDL levels, whether you smoke or not, and more. If you Google for vascular age calculator and enter with these details then you can find your vascular age.

If you want a more objective way then consult with your cardiology doctor and check the thickness of the blood vessel that goes to the brain through the neck using ultrasound. Depending on the thickness of the blood vessel the vascular age is calculated.

The third way is to check the elasticity and flexibility of the blood vessels. If the elasticity reduces, the arteries become stiff. People with high cholesterol, and high blood pressure and people who smoke usually have stiff arteries. This can be calculated using the pulse wave velocity test and depending on the result, the vascular age can be calculated.

If your vascular age is higher than your real age then you should shift to a healthy lifestyle.

Kauvery Hospital

Having a higher vascular age than your real age means a reduced lifespan. You can get tips to reverse the problem by choosing a healthy lifestyle. To consult with the best cardiac electrophysiologists and heart specialists in Chennai, visit Kauvery Hospital.

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Best Cardiologist in Chennai | Best Cardiologist in Hosur | Best Cardiologist in Salem | Best Cardiologist in Trichy |Best Cardiologist in Tirunelveli

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