Monday, March 30, 2020

Blood in Urine

Dr. Sasi Kumar, Consultant Urologist, Kauvery Hospital, Trichy.

I like to share valuable insights regarding the symptoms and causes of blood or red blood cells in the urine and how it can be treated. Hematuria maybe symptomatic or asymptomatic. 

Blood in Urine

Various problems can cause this leakage of blood into urine – including commonly encountered urinary tract infections. These occur when bacteria enter your body through the urethra and multiply in your bladder. Seeing blood in your urine can be alarming, while in many instances the cause is harmless or less serious like presence of kidney stones, bladder stones etc. Hematuria can indicate a serious disorder like kidney infections (pyelonephritis), prostatic hyperplasia, malignancies like bladder cancer, prostate cancer or renal cancer. Make your appointment and consult your urologist anytime you notice blood in your urine.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Colour-based discrimination, Dark or Fair


In our country, even today, there is widespread judgement and prejudice based on skin color. Ever since the baby is born, it is ingrained in their head that being fair is only accepted and dark skin tones are not. There is a myth that the consumption of saffron in milk by carrying mothers, will form fair babies despite both the parents being dark. The moment a child is born, relatives start comparing siblings’ skin color, a fair skinned baby being labelled “beautiful” and a darker one not so. This fair skin bias reflects on the child throughout their entire life. They are subjected to a battery of fairness creams, beauty therapies, dermatological procedures, with an illusion of a miraculous fairness transformation.

Colour-based discrimination, Dark or Fair

      This creates a sense of insecurity and lack of confidence in the children, and they carry this scar lifelong. This feeling of insecurity is perceived even by high flying officials, excellent sportspersons, academicians with illustrious careers, especially when they confront clients and during important presentations. This color-based inferiority always remains at the back of their minds. This situation is still prevalent in our country. In this context, Dr. Shwetha Rahul addresses this issue and advises all the parents to teach their children how to love themselves. Introduce your child to this everyday activity by looking into the mirror and appreciating themselves as soon as they wake up in the morning. Dark is beautiful must be the mantra. This is to every dark, dusky, black child out there. We glorify dark skinned Superstars and Gods described dark in Puranas. So, love yourself and don’t let anybody put you down, based on your skin colour.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Your Creatinine levels define your kidney health

Creatinine and Kidney Health- Doc Talk Dr R.Balasubramaniyam, Kauvery Hospital(Chennai)

Your Creatinine levels define your kidney health

உங்க சிறுநீரகம் ஒழுங்கா இருக்கா இல்லையா அதனை எப்படி தெரிந்து கொள்வது. அதற்கு பண்ண கூடிய எளிமையான சோதனை இரத்தத்தில் “Creatinine” சோதனை. உங்க “Creatinine” எவ்வளவு இருக்குனு உங்களுக்கு தெரியுமா. நமக்கு இன்னிக்கு sensex எவ்வளவு இருக்குனு தெரியும், கிரிக்கெட்டில் ஸ்கோர் எவ்வளவு இருக்குனு தெரியும். நம்முடைய உடல் எப்படி இருக்கின்றது என்பது பற்றி நிறைய பேருக்கு தெரிவது இல்லை. இந்த விழிப்புணர்வை இந்த உலக சிறுநீரக தினத்தன்று(World Kidney Day) உங்களுக்கு கொடுக்க வேண்டும் என்பதற்காக. நாங்கள் கேட்கின்ற ஒரு கேள்வி உங்க “Creatinine” எவ்வளவு இருக்கு, எப்போ உங்க “Creatinine” நீங்கள் சோதனை செய்திர்கள். “Creatinine” என்பது உடலில் இருக்க கூடிய, செல்களை எல்லாம் உற்பத்தி பண்ண கூடிய ஒரு கழிவு பொருள். இந்த கழிவு பொருள் சிறுநீரகம் Normalஆக இருந்தது என்றால் அது உடம்பில் இருந்து வெளியேற்றி விடும். அப்பொழுது இரத்த பரிசோதனை பண்ணி பார்க்கும்பொழுது “Creatinine” என்பது Normalஆக  இருக்கும். Normal Creatinine என்பது 1 Milligram , சிறுநீரகம் சரியாக வேலை செய்ய வில்லை என்றால் “Creatinine” அளவு இரத்தத்தில் அதிகமாக இருக்கும். எந்த அளவு அதிகமா இருக்கின்றது என்பதனை எடுத்துக்கொண்டு. உங்களுக்கு இருக்க கூடிய சிறுநீரக வியாதி எந்த நிலையில் இருக்கு என்பதனை மருத்துவர்கள் முடிவு பண்ணுவார்கள். இது ஒரு சின்ன Catch என்னவென்று பார்த்தோம் என்றால். இந்த Creatinine Normal இருக்க கூடிய 1 Milligramல் இருந்து எப்போ அதிகம் ஆகும் என்று பார்த்தோம் என்றால். சிறுநீரகத்தில் வரும் பாதிப்பு 65 சதவிகிதம் மேல போகும்போது தான் “Creatinine” என்பது அதிகமாக ஆகின்றது. அதனால், Normal Creatinine இருந்தது என்றால் சிறுநீரகம் கண்டிப்பாக Normalஆக வேலை செய்கிறது என்று அர்த்தம் இல்லை. இந்த சோதனையை interpret பார்த்து ஜாக்கிரதையாக interpret பண்ணனும் என்பது ரொம்ப முக்கியம். யாரெல்லாம் இந்த சோதனையை பண்ண வேண்டும் என்றால் சர்க்கரை வியாதி இருப்பவர்கள், இரத்த அழுத்தம் இருப்பவர்கள், யாருக்கு எல்லாம் கை, கால்களில் வீக்கம் இருக்கோ, யாருக்கு எல்லாம் யூரின் போகுறதுல தொந்தரவுகள் இருக்கோ, யூரினில் இரத்தம் கலந்து போகுதோ, இந்த மாதிரி இருக்குறவங்க எல்லாருமே “Creatinine” பரிசோதனை எடுத்து கொள்வது நல்லது. யாரெல்லாம் 40 வயதுக்கு மேல் இருக்கிறீர்களோ. அவர்கள் எல்லாம் “Master Health Checkup” பண்ணும்பொழுது இந்த “Creatinine” பரிசோதனை செய்து Creatinine Value Normalஆக இருக்கா என்பதனை தயவு செய்து பார்த்து கொள்ளவும். “Creatinine” பற்றி விழிப்புணர்வு உங்களுக்கு வேண்டும் என்கின்ற காரணத்திர்காக காவேரி மருத்துவமனையிலிருந்து டாக்டர் பாலசுப்ரமணியம் என்கின்ற நான் தலைமை சிறுநீரக மருத்துவராக இருக்கிறேன். இந்த வீடியோ மூலமாக உங்களுக்கு பண்ண கூடிய விழிப்புணர்வு விஷயம் என்னவென்றால் “Know Your Creatinine”. Thank You!

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Flying Angels Program by Kauvery Hospital

Kauvery Hospital’s Flying Angels Program

When one thinks of super-specialty hospitals, what comes to mind are images of doctors and surgeons bringing patients back to health, operation theaters with cutting edge medical equipment and modern rooms and wards for recovery. What is often overlooked is the critical role that nurses play in patient treatment and care. In an effort to recognize and reward nurses for the vital role they play in patient care, Kauvery Hospital has started its unique Flying Angels program.

Kauvery Hospital’s Flying Angels Program

Under the program, every year a group of nurses, from the various Kauvery Hospital locations, will be rewarded for their excellence in service to patients with a chance to fly to a popular destination, spend a day there with expenses for local travel, sightseeing, food and shopping all taken care of, before returning home.

The objective is not one of skill improvement or increasing medical knowledge. Kauvery has its own in-house programs for this. Flying Angels is designed to give nurses from various Kauvery locations an opportunity to travel, have fun, relax and bond with their colleagues. By doing this, Kauvery is showing them how much they are valued.

The Reaction Of The Nurses

Many of the nurses had never flown before so the level of excitement was huge when they gathered in Trichy for the trip to Chennai. In a few minutes, they were no longer a disparate group but a family, eagerly looking forward to their journey.

The novelty of the takeoff, flight and landing were, by itself, enough to make the day memorable, but it was only the beginning. After landing, the group was taken to Golden Beach to allow them to really chill out and get to know each other better. From there they went to Snow Kingdom, a theme park that gives visitors a feel of what it is like to live in arctic conditions, with temperatures below zero and surrounded by ice and snow. The ladies loved the experience.

The activities of the morning had burnt up a lot of energy, so the next stop was for lunch, where they were able to enjoy a variety of succulent dishes from a variety of cuisines. After lunch, it was time for shopping which was so much fun the ladies lost track of time and had to be rushed back to the airport for the return journey.

Kauvery Hospital has always understood the crucial role nurses play in patient care but knows that their role, in all hospitals, is not fully appreciated. It is to remedy this that Flying Angels has begun. The next set of Flying Angels will take off soon. Kauvery will continue to express its great appreciation of the role that nurses play in patient wellbeing.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Common health issues of newborn babies

Newborn babies go through some health issues as they adapt to a new world and a new environment. These problems activate their immune system, and eventually, they disappear. Neonatologist or Paediatrician will educate you on these problems and how to deal with them.

Baby Problems

Newborn babies go through some health issues as they adapt to a new world and a new environment. These problems activate their immune system, and eventually, they disappear. Neonatologist or Paediatrician will educate you on these problems and how to deal with them.


Crying is the baby’s natural way of demanding a nappy change, cuddling, or a feed. Or the baby may not be feeling well. Try feeding the baby, changing the nappy, cuddling, giving a massage or bath, stroking the baby, swaying while holding it in your arms, or rocking the cradle. If the crying persists, consult a doctor who will conduct a thorough examination.


One of the most common problems among newborns is jaundice. This appears when the baby is 3 or 4 days old and lasts for a week to 10 days. The child may have yellowish eyes. Jaundice occurs because, in newborns, the liver is immature, so the baby has high bilirubin levels in the body. The condition goes away in a week. But if jaundice occurs within 24 hours of birth or lasts more than 3 weeks, the Paediatrician will investigate the cause and take necessary action.

Bloated belly

Some newborns have a bloated stomach or an abdomen that feels hard to the touch, between feeds. Quite often, this is a case of constipation or gas. But if the problem persists for long, bring it to the notice of your doctor. He/she will examine your baby for any other ailment.

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During a feed, the mother’s milk may come on too fast, which causes the baby to cough. This will eventually go away as the baby learns how to handle this. But if the cough persists, consult your doctor as it may be an issue with the baby’s digestive system or lungs.

Noisy Breathing

Newborn babies breathe out of their nose, not their mouth. Baby nose has a smaller air passage, little bit of mucus can make the breathing passage even smaller, causing the noisy Breathing. It is a normal phenomenon. If it is persistent, consult a doctor.

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Skin related issues

The newborn may have dry, blotchy, cracked skin or discoloration in some parts of the body. Typically, these go away after a few weeks as new layers of skin get replaced quickly in newborns. They do not need any treatment, nor should you use any skin creams or lotions.

Nappy rash

Once the child is regularly feeding, the baby’s nappies will frequently get wet. Some babies may develop a nappy rash, which appears as redness or inflammation in the bowel area. To prevent this, ensure the nappy is changed frequently; the bowels are cleaned with water and dried well before a new nappy is put on. If the nappy rash persists, despite taking adequate care, consult the doctor.


Gas may get trapped in the baby’s stomach or intestines and cause discomfort to the baby. The baby then cries incessantly or appears distressed. Speak to the doctor who will relive the condition quickly.

Cradle cap

The baby may have oily, patchy, or scaly skin on the scalp. Flaky white or yellow patches appear on the scalp. Typically, the scales loosen up and go away with daily bathing. But if they become hard and tough to remove, consult your doctor who will recommend a medicated shampoo or some other treatment. But do not forcibly try to remove the scales or scratch the scalp. This can injure the scalp and leave permanent scars.

At Kauvery Hospital, Trichy

The Neonatology Department of Kauvery Hospital in Trichy (Cantonment branch) routinely deals with neonatal issues listed above and more. Patients from across Tamil Nadu, other states, and even outside India visit us to seek treatment for such problems. Our panel of neonatal specialists, Paediatricians, pathology labs, and healthcare staff handle all such health issues successfully, cost-effectively, and efficiently.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

The different types of Joint Injections in treating Joint Pain

Joint pain is often debilitating. It can reduce activity levels and can impact daily living, making even small chores seem impossible.

Causes of joint pain

Joint pain is common among the elderly. It can occur due to musculoskeletal diseases like arthritis, which causes pain and inflammation. It can occur due to the regular wear and tear of joint cartilage.
Sportspeople, especially those who play high impact sports, may have joint pain and inflammation due to the force and repetitive movements of their particular game.
Joint pain can also occur due to underlying medical conditions or diseases.

In some cases, medication, rest, rehabilitation, and care should, over time, help in relieving joint pain. But, if the pain does not go away, your doctor will devise other types of treatments, which could include joint pain injections.

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What are joint pain injections?

They are non-surgical treatments to reduce inflammation and pain in the joints. They are usually injected directly into the joint for pain relief.

Types of joint pain injections

Corticosteroid injections

This is usually used to ease and provide pain relief for osteoarthritis symptoms. It can be used on joint pain in shoulders, knees, and hips. It also helps in reducing the inflammation of joints.

Hyaluronic acid injections

The injection is made of a substance that is similar to the gel that makes up natural joint fluid. It is used for arthritis symptoms but usually used only in the knees.

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections

The injection uses the patient’s blood and platelets. It is used to treat osteoarthritis joint pain and to reduce inflammation.

Placental tissue injections

It is made of naturally occurring anti-inflammatory agents in placental tissue. It helps decrease inflammation and promotes healing because it contains amniotic stem cells.

Depending on how severe your pain is, your doctor will decide on what kind of injection or combination of doses to use. It will also depend on your history and underlying medical conditions.

Dr. Aravindan Selvaraj, who is the Chief Orthopedic Surgeon heads a skilled team of professionals at the Kauvery Institute of Orthopedics and Neurosciences, Chennai. The team diagnoses and treats patients suffering from joint pain apart from other orthopaedic and neurological illnesses.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia | Prostate Laser Surgery in Trichy

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

Dr. Senthil Kumar, Kauvery Hospital Trichy

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) is a common condition among men who are over 60 years of age. Benign means that the tumor caused by BPH is not cancerous. However, that does not mean that no treatment is required. In the past, the treatment has been in the form of transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP). Advances in Urology have resulted in TURP being replaced by laser treatment.

The Advantages of Laser Treatment

With TURP, there is a risk of side effects that are not there with laser treatment. For example, with TURP, bleeding can be a serious complication. Laser treatment is bloodless. So, the risk is eliminated.
TURP is a procedure that must be done within one and a half hours. With laser treatment, there is no time limit. The normal prostate size is approximately 20 grams. With lasers, glands of up to 300 grams can be treated.
If a patient has prostate cancer, the risk of cardiac problems increases. This means that the patients may have to take blood-thinning medication like Ecosprin or Clopilet. With laser treatment, the need to take these medications can be avoided.

During the last 8 months, Kauvery Hospital Trichy has successfully conducted 30 laser treatments for BPH with excellent feedback from the patients. Contact Kauvery Hospital Trichy for more information.

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