Monday, June 15, 2020

Symptoms of Appendicitis: Sharp Pain in the Right Side of the Stomach?

Appendicitis is a condition for inflammation in the appendix, a small finger-like tube that extends from the large intestine to the right side of the body—the inflammation results in severe abdominal pain. Immediate surgery to remove the appendix is the standard procedure because if left in place, the inflamed appendix would burst and result in the infection spreading through the body, often with the most severe consequences. The appendix is not an essential organ, and removing it does not affect the health in any way.

Woman Lying on Couch

The Symptoms

The exact nature of the symptoms and the severity may vary significantly from person to person. However, there are some common signs of an inflamed appendix that appear in almost all cases. These include:

  • Loss of appetite.
  • Fever that may go up to 102 degrees F or even higher.
  • A swollen belly.
  • Inability to pass gas.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen, starting near the navel and then moving further down.
  • The pain may increase when coughing, walking or making, and sudden movements.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Dull or sharp pain anywhere in the lower back.
  • Pain when passing urine.
  • Either constipation or diarrhea.

Read Also: Abdominal Pain – Symptoms, Causes and Treatments

While pain in the lower right side of the abdomen is common, the location may vary depending on the patient’s age and the location and size of the appendix.

Contact a Doctor without Delay

If you or someone you know has any or all of the symptoms given above, contact a Best Gastroenterologist in Salem. Because the symptoms of appendicitis are similar to those of bladder or urinary tract infections like gastritis, Crohn’s disease, gallbladder problems, kidney stones, intestinal infections, etc., only a highly qualified and experienced doctor at a hospital with the latest medical equipment will be able to provide an accurate diagnosis. Among the tests, the doctor may use are:
  • Physical examination of the abdomen to find signs of inflammation
  • Urine tests.
  • A Rectal examination.
  • Blood tests to look for signs of infection.
  • CT Scans.
  • Ultrasound.

Read Also: Diabetes Foot Care at Kauvery Hospital

Appendicitis is a common medical condition, and treatment is through surgery. As long as the symptoms are caught early, and treatment is begun without delay, there is typically no cause for concern and the patients will be able to make a full recovery and lead a completely normal life in all respects.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

What is the Best Treatment for Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) can affect anyone at any age. The condition is a mixture of abdominal pain and changes in bowel movements. The changes could be either more frequent movement or a reduction in the frequency. The type of stool may also change with IBS. IBS itself is not considered to be life-threatening, but it can lead to other more severe conditions such as ulcers, Crohn’s disease, and colon cancer.

Treatment Options

IBS can generally be treated effectively, but the type of treatment that is suitable will differ from patient to patient because the causes of the condition may vary significantly. Among the common causes are reactions to certain foods, medications, infections, emotional stress, and so on.

Young man in sleepwear suffering from headache in morning

A person suffering from IBS must contact a medical specialist for a detailed examination to be done so that an accurate diagnosis of the cause can be determined. Only then can a course of treatment be prescribed. The best place to go for a diagnosis and treatment is a reputed hospital with a Best Gastroenterologist in Salem. In the first stage, the doctor may advise changes in the diet and lifestyle. Some of the possible diet changes are listed below.
  • Avoid caffeine by not drinking tea, coffee, or soft drinks.
  • Increase the amount of fiber in the diet by eating more fruits, nuts, whole grains, and vegetables.
  • Increasing the daily water intake.
  • Stop smoking and the use of other tobacco products.
  • Reduce or preferably stopping alcohol consumption
  • Stop the use of recreational drugs and stimulants
  • Reduce stress and improve relaxation through yoga or meditation.
  • Get more exercise but without overstraining the body.
  • Restrict the intake of dairy products
  • Control the amount of fried and highly spiced food consumed.
  • Eat smaller meals more often. In other words, eat 5 or 6 times a day while keeping the total food intake for the day the same as it was.

Read Also: I have a burning sensation on my feet. Why are my feet on fire?

A patient of IBS is often advised to keep a detailed record of all the food and drink consumed. This will make identifying the triggers of the condition more manageable.

If dietary or lifestyle changes do not produce the desired improvement in the patient’s status, the doctor may prescribe medication to bring the problem under control.

IBS can be challenging to recognize. If you have ongoing or regular bouts of abdominal distress, contact a medical specialist to have an examination conducted so that an accurate diagnosis can be provided based on which an effective treatment plan may be devised.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Sitting: The New Smoking

Thanks to many awareness programs, people are now well-informed about the many hazards of smoking. Smoking is responsible for cancer, cardiac problems, bronchitis and emphysema. Every year we lose 6 million people to smoking related issues. The title of this article calls sitting the new smoking. A lot of people might find this hard to believe. This article will try to throw some light on the ill-effects of prolonged sitting.

Notice toddlers, how flexible they are. They crouch, crawl and even pop their toes into their mouth with ease. This is how agile our human body is. Unfortunately, when children start their schooling, they are more often than not chained to their desks. This sitting becomes their new normal. Our body which was designed to be mobile and active is forced to remain stationary.

Sitting: The New Smoking

Scientific Evidence on the Dangers of Prolonged Sitting

Prolonged sitting refers to being seated for 3-4 hours continuously along with a sedentary lifestyle. A number of studies have concurred that this can lead to many health issues, a few of which are given below:

  • Cancer: There is a greater incidence of various kinds of cancers in people who remain seated for 6-8 hours a day. This is irrespective of the amount of exercise that they do.
  • Heart Disease: People who are seated for more than 6 hours have a greater risk of developing a heart disease in comparison to people who are seated for only 3 hours.
  • Obesity: Diet and exercise were considered till now the cornerstones for avoiding obesity. However, only a few people are aware that sitting contributes to obesity. Being active is indeed another very important factor in avoiding obesity. According to studies conducted by Mayo Clinic, it was found that people who sit for long hours have a higher tendency to become obese in comparison to people whose work requires them to stand and move about. Obesity in turn increases the risk of heart attack, diabetes, cancer, and depression while also elevating cholesterol levels.
  • Cholesterol: Lipoprotein lipase is a chemical which controls cholesterol by burning fat. This chemical’s production is reduced in people who sit for many hours together thus leading to an increase in their cholesterol level.
  • Depression: Studies have shown that 47% of people involved in jobs requiring them to be seated for more than 7 hours suffer from depression. This increases to 90% in people who do not exercise.
  • Back Pain: Prolonged sitting leads to weakened back muscles and improper spine posture causing back pain. Normally people over 40 years of age develop back pain. But with prolonged sitting, there are increased chances of people developing back pain by 30 years of age. Sitting increases the pressure on the spinal discs, causes early wear and tear of back muscles and weakens the muscles leading to early degeneration.
Tips to Overcome Problems Caused by Prolonged Sitting

  • Avoid being seated for more than 2 hours at a stretch. If your job demands your presence at your desk continuously, take a 5- or 10-minute break to walk around and stretch your legs.
  • Try standing and working, stay mobile and while sitting, sit erect.
  • Do not slouch when you are seated. A correct sitting posture is one in which your back and thigh are at 90 degrees to one another.
  • Make sure that the computer on which you are working on is positioned properly at the right level.
  • During tea/coffee breaks, take a stroll instead of staying confined to the office space. The natural light will indeed do wonders.
  • Avoid stress and work out regularly.
Sit Smart!

A normal working day of a person involves being seated for 6-8 hours and a commute of 2 hours. This translates to spending nearly 32 years of life seated. We cannot avoid going to work or sitting at our desks, what we can avoid are the hazards of prolonged sitting now that we are aware of it. Follow the above tips, sit smart and stay healthy.

Watch Dr. G. Balamurali, senior consultant for spine and neurosurgery at Kauvery Hospital, explain the hazards of prolonged sitting and his pointers on sitting smart

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