Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Can a cancer patient take Covid vaccination?

Covid vaccination has been constantly recommended as a precaution against contracting Covid-19 and preventing the mass spreading of the infection. But there remain many queries regarding the vaccine, and one among them is whether it is safe for cancer patients to take the vaccine.

Covid vaccination

The short answer to the question is, yes, cancer patients can take the vaccination, but you will have to consult with your oncologist first. The oncologist will suggest you a suitable time based on related factors like your ongoing therapy and the history of allergies. If you have any queries regarding vaccination for cancer patients, you can contact Kauvery hospital at 914440006000 to book an appointment or use the oncology doctors near me option.

Also Read: COVID-19 Vaccination: All Your Doubts Answered

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

All you need to know about liver transplant

Liver transplant is the second most common type of transplant surgery performed, with the first one being kidney transplants. With the advancements in medical technologies, the transplant procedures have become simpler and less risky.

Liver Transplant

What is liver transplantation?

Liver transplantation involves surgical removal of the severely diseased liver that has no hope of regeneration and replacing it with a healthy donor liver or a portion of it.

Liver transplant surgery is recommended for people with severe liver conditions since it can save the life of the patient or improve the quality of life. Though liver transplants come with significant risks and complications, it has a very high success rate.

Types of liver transplants

There are two types of liver transplants depending on the type of donor.

      Deceased Donor Liver Transplant (DDLT)

  •      This involves obtaining a healthy liver from a brain-dead person. This person might have donated his/her organs previous to his/her death, or consent would be received from the family members for organ donation later.

      Live Donor Liver Transplant (LDLT)

  • Liver is a regenerative organ which means that it can replace the lost tissues by growing the remaining ones. Thus a part of a healthy liver from a living patient can be used as transplant and is completely safe for the donor and the recipient. There is no need for lifelong medications, and women can have normal pregnancy and motherhood.
  • The live donor is usually a blood relative or spouse of the patient. A detailed evaluation of the prospective donor is done to ensure minimize the health risks involved and help in complete recovery.

What does liver transplant involve?

      First stage

      A team of specialists will first evaluate the patient with a review of medical history and other investigations to determine whether liver transplant is the best option or if there is a different option.

      Second stage

      If the patient is found to be suitable for liver transplant, we proceed to the second stage. In this stage, the patient’s name is placed on the waiting list, and the priority is determined on the scoring system based on the medical criteria and severity of the condition.

     Third stage

     This is when the donor becomes available, and the patient is contacted and informed about the donor’s medical condition. If the patient consents for the transplant, some basic tests are repeated to ensure the safety of his/her condition. After this, surgeons and anesthetists involved in the transplant will meet the patient and brief him/her about the procedure. If the test results are satisfactory, we then proceed to surgery.

Also Read: Liver Diseases – Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Liver transplant procedure

Usually, the liver transplant procedure takes about 8 to 12 hours to complete, after which the patient is shifted to ICU. The patient might want to stay there for 3 to 7 days, but these aspects of the surgery might differ according to his/her condition.

After the patient is moved to ICU, many tubes are connected to his/her body to carry out the natural functions which are removed when deemed appropriate. After this, the patient is shifted to the room for 2-3 weeks, and thus in total, the patient might want to stay for 3-4 weeks in the hospital for the entirety of the procedure.

Liver transplant – discharge and recovery

Once the patient is regarded as stable by the doctors, he/she can be discharged from the hospital. But a follow-up schedule is recommended for the patient to ensure complete recovery. The patients and the family members are educated about the medications and necessary precautions before discharge. The dose of medications will reduce with time, and the pace of recovery depends on several factors. Usually, a patient is expected to resume daily activities within a month and go back to work after 3 months after the liver transplant surgery.

Liver Transplant in Chennai | Liver Transplant in Hosur | Liver Transplant in Salem | Liver Transplant in Trichy

Kidney Transplantation

Kidney transplant is one of the most common organ transplants performed today. This surgical procedure involves replacing a kidney which no longer functions properly with a healthy kidney got from a deceased or living donor.

Usually, dialysis is performed for people whose kidneys have failed. This involves mechanically filtering the waste in the bloodstream. But this requires frequent visits to the dialysis center which might turn labor-intensive with time. Thus if a person qualifies for getting a kidney transplant, it can free him/her from the time-consuming dialysis process.

Kidney Transplantation

Immunosuppressive drugs

There are also some complications involved with the kidney transplant procedure. During the procedure, a new organ is introduced into the body, and thus there is a risk of it being rejected by the body’s immune system. Immunosuppressive drugs are recommended to prevent the aggressive reaction of the body’s immune system to the transplant and for the transplant to perform its designated function.

Risk factors involved

When administering the immunosuppressive drugs, there are a few factors to consider.

·        If the dosage of immunosuppressive drugs is too high, the body’s immunity level becomes too low, making it prone to different infections.

·        On the other hand, if the dosage is lesser than the needed level, the immune system might start attacking the transplant.

Thus kidney transplantation is a procedure that needs to be done carefully from start to the end.

Also Read: Know the Signs of Kidney Failure

Advancements in treatment

Though kidney transplantation is a complicated procedure, there have been a lot of advancements that have happened in the medical industry. The success rate of kidney transplantation has climbed to 95-99% from a measly 20% over the 50 years.

New medicines and surgical procedures have been developed, and this involves identifying the complications that might occur and successfully treating them.

A ticket for new life

Recent advancements in treatments have made the procedure much easier to deal with and many people have started getting the same. If you have any serious complications with kidney and if you are eligible to get the transplant, you can proceed with the procedure instead of living in fear.

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