Thursday, December 29, 2022

What is a renal biopsy?

renal-biopsyRenal biopsy is the biopsy of the kidneys. Usually, a biopsy is done to diagnose cancers but a renal biopsy is not for cancer diagnosis.

If a patient suffers from increased protein in the urine, blood in the urine, or unexplained reduction in kidney function, a renal biopsy is advised by the nephrologist.

A needle is used by the nephrology doctors to extract a small sample of the kidney which is then sent for testing. This can help identify the issue and later provide accurate treatment for the issue.

Also Read: Know the Signs of Kidney Failure

A biopsy is not a surgery and hence you do not need to worry too much about it. A scan is done to watch the kidneys in real time and then the needle is inserted to take the tissue. The risk is very low. Very rarely a patient might experience excess bleeding in urine, bleeding around the kidney, or low blood pressure. In those cases, the patient is given blood or might want to get surgery but this risk is less than 1%.

Kauvery Hospital

When kidney specialists recommend a patient to get a renal biopsy, it is usually to identify the problem and give accurate treatment. Contact Kauvery Hospital to consult with some of the top nephrologists.

 Best Nephrologist in Chennai | Best Nephrologist in Hosur | Best Nephrologist in Salem | Best Nephrologist in Trichy | Best Nephrologist in Tirunelveli

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Responding to a sudden cardiac arrest


 The three most important first-aid steps for a patient suffering a sudden cardiac arrest will prove to be life-saving. After the first aid, when the ambulance reaches, the patient should be taken to the cardiologist or cardiac electrophysiologist.

1.      Recognition of sudden cardiac arrest

The first step involves finding whether the person is suffering from a sudden cardiac arrest. The collapsed person should be checked for heartbeat and pulse. Breathing can be checked by noticing the rise and fall of the chest. Normal breathing involves 10-20 times rise and fall a minute. Patients suffering a sudden cardiac arrest might have shallow breathing or no breathing at all.

The pulse should be checked at the side of the neck. The patient suffering sudden cardiac arrest might not have a pulse.

Also Read: What is the difference between a heart attack and a sudden cardiac arrest?

2.      Shout for help

After the sudden cardiac arrest is confirmed, the next step is to shout for help. You should keep shouting till another person reaches the place. The other person should call an ambulance.

3.      Start chest compression

This is the most vital step of first aid for sudden cardiac arrest patients. The chest compression should be done at the lower and central parts of the chest wall. The compressions should be done 100-120 times a minute uninterruptedly at the depth of 5cm. This is called CPR.

The patient should also be given breaths at the rate of 2 breaths per 30 compressions. Mouth-to-mouth breathing can be done or you can use pocket masks if available. If the patient is a stranger, you can put a handkerchief over the mouth of the patient and then continue with mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. The chest compressions should be started immediately after the breaths. 

Kauvery Hospital

Immediate treatment along with suitable first aid can save the life of the patient suffering a sudden cardiac arrest. Kauvery hospital has a dedicated cardiology team with the best electrophysiologists in Chennai.

Watch Video on Youtube: Responding to a Sudden Cardiac Arrest

Listen on Podcast: Kauvery Heart Rhythm Services

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Thursday, December 1, 2022

Thyroid Cancers and the role of Radiation

The thyroid is an endocrine gland in the neck. The four types of thyroid cancer are follicular carcinoma, papillary carcinoma, medullary carcinoma, and anaplastic.

Papillary carcinoma is the most common type of thyroid cancer with an incidence of about 80-85% of all thyroid cancers.

Follicular carcinoma is the second most common type of thyroid cancer. This can spread in the blood and travel to other organs like the lungs and more.

Medullary carcinoma is usually genetic. Anaplastic is the most aggressive malignancy. The tumour grows in the neck and causes difficulty in breathing. It can also spread to other parts of the body.

Also Read: The Importance of Thyroid Blood Tests

Thyroid cancer treatment

Papillary and follicular carcinoma are designated in the well-differentiated category. When found in the early stages, the cure rate for these cancers is high. Surgery followed by a whole-body iodine scan is used to treat these cancers. If there are remnants found in the scan, radioactive iodine is given to get rid of them fully.

If there are remnants of the tumour left from the surgery or there is a possibility of recurrence then radiation treatment is recommended.

For medullary carcinoma, surgery is the most recommended choice. For anaplastic malignancy, chemotherapy along with radiation is recommended.

Kauvery Hospital

Cancer no longer needs to evoke an inevitable sense of fear. With advanced treatment methods, it is possible to fully recover from cancer. If you find any symptoms related to cancer, consult with some of the best oncologist in Tirunelveli at Kauvery Hospital.

Watch Video on YouTube: Thyroid Cancers and the role of Radiation 

Best Oncologist in Chennai | Best Oncologist in Trichy 

Breastfeeding Awareness

Breastfeeding awareness
The first week of August is celebrated as World breastfeeding week.

For the first 6 months since the birth, it is advised to provide only breast milk for the child. Even water should be avoided. From 6 months to 2 years, it is advisable to breastfeed along with other solid foods.

Despite celebrating World breastfeeding week and Breastfeeding awareness day, awareness about breastfeeding is lacking in India since the exclusive breastfeeding rate remains at only 51%. In Tamil Nadu, the rate is still low.

When the child cries during the time of breastfeeding, most people think that breast milk is not enough for the child and choose to feed cow milk or sugar water. Formula feed is also easily available and many people consider it to be a healthy alternative to breast milk. The mother needs emotional support at this time to continue breastfeeding.

Why breastfeeding is important for your baby?

·         Breast milk contains all nutrients and minerals in the right proportion that aids the baby’s health. This cannot be matched by any formula milk.

·         Breast milk provides immunity for the child.

·         Breast milk is comprised of 90% water and hence it takes care of both the food and water need of the child.

·         Children who are breastfed tend to develop good immunity and high IQ levels.

·         Breast milk not only provides immunity against infections but also protects the child from asthma and other allergies.

Kauvery Hospital

Breast milk is undoubtedly the best food for babies. For the children’s future to be strong and bright, we need to encourage breastfeeding and support young mothers. At Kauvery Hospital, we have some of the best paediatricians in Trichy and would be able to provide good advice and support to breastfeeding moms.


Best Paediatrician in Chennai | Best Paediatrician in Salem | Best Paediatrician in Tirunelveli 

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Cervical cancer – Causes and Prevention


Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer prevalent among women. Cervical cancer occurs in the cervix.

Causes of cervical cancer

Cervical cancer is caused due to HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) infection. It is transmitted through sexual Intercourse. The infection goes away on its own for the majority of people but in some cases, it might progress into cervical cancer.

 Can cervical cancer be prevented?

There are two steps of cervical cancer prevention.

·         Safe sex: With the proper use of condoms, cervical cancer can be prevented.

·         Vaccination: HPV vaccines are available for girls between the age group 9-15. If you haven’t received the vaccination, catch-up vaccination is available till the age of 26.

 Kauvery hospital

HPV vaccination can reduce the incidence of cervical cancer by up to 70%. To consult with the best oncologist in Chennai, visit Kauvery hospital.


Watch Video on YouTube: Cervical cancer – Causes and prevention

Brain Tumour – Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

 What is a brain tumour?

A brain tumour can be defined as an abnormal growth in the brain tissues. There are two types – primary brain tumours and metastatic brain tumours.

brain tumour

Primary brain tumours form in the brain and grow there. Metastatic brain tumours develop in other body parts, reach the brain through the bloodstream, and then grow in the brain.

What are the symptoms of a brain tumour?

·         Persistent headache that is severe in the morning

·         Headache with vomiting

·         Blurry vision

·    Weakness in one side of the body which worsens with time

·         Slurring speech

·         Weakness of the legs

·         Psychological changes

How are brain tumours treated?

To determine the treatment option, it is important to know the nature of the brain tumours. Benign tumours are harmless, while malignant brain tumours spread fast to other organs.


Also Read: Brain and Spine Tumour


 There are three treatment options for brain tumours. Surgery is the best method for benign brain tumors to get rid of the tumour fully.

For malignant brain tumours, surgery along with radiation and chemotherapy is recommended.

Kauvery Hospital

With advanced equipment and expertise, it is now possible to accurately perform brain surgeries. Kauvery Hospital has the best medical equipment and neurologists in Trichy, thus providing optimum patient care.

Watch Video on YouTube: Brain Tumour – Symptoms, Diagnosis, and treatment


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Saturday, October 1, 2022

Can Birds Affect Human Lungs?

Awareness about birds being the cause of lung problems has recently increased. There are also a lot of myths circulating, and it is important to know the truth from the false news.


Can Birds Cause Lung Problems?

Hypersensitivity pneumonitis is a disease that causes an allergic reaction to the lungs. This allergic reaction is caused due to inhalation of some components, which may be due to exposure to farm-related products like moist seeds and bird feathers or droppings.

Everyday exposure to bird feathers and droppings includes that of pet birds like parrots and pigeons. Other derived products like feather pillows can also cause hypersensitivity pneumonitis.

Some other exposures can also cause similar effects on the lungs, and this includes fungal exposure in saunas.


Lung problems usually have the same symptoms; hence, hypersensitivity pneumonitis does not have specific symptoms. Breathlessness and coughing are the most common symptoms. If you experience any of these symptoms for a prolonged period and suffer from a low-grade fever, then it would be best to consult a pulmonologist.


Also Read: Lung Transplant: An Overview



A pulmonary function test is the best diagnostic test available, and this test can find whether the lung capacity is affected due to these exposures or due to lung damage.

If any problem is noted in the lung function test, the patient is recommended to take a CT scan. With this, whether the patient suffers from short-term or long-term exposure can be found.

 Kauvery Hospital

Awareness about the topic is important to prevent these diseases and get proper lung care if needed. To consult with the best pulmonologists in Salem, visit Kauvery Hospital.

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Acute Liver Failure – Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

 The incidence of acute liver failure has recently been on the rise, and the most common causes of liver failure include infection and self-harm. In Tamil Nadu, intake of rat poison (yellow phosphorus poisoning) is a leading cause of liver failure, especially among the younger population.

best liver transplant in Chennai

Rat poison is readily available now and, when taken, can cause severe damage to the liver. Accessibility to yellow phosphorus should be controlled. After the intake of yellow phosphorus, patients might remain stable for 24-48 hours. But it is crucial to take the patient to the hospital immediately after knowing about the poison intake. Liver failure treatment should be started without waiting for the symptoms of liver failure to show up. Patients should be closely monitored since they risk developing jaundice and clotting deficiency. As these complications set in, the patient’s survival chances decrease. Hence, early treatment is essential to help the liver sustain the injury and support the liver.

 If the liver is not recovering even after the support, liver transplantation is the only solution for these patients to survive.

The most common infections that cause acute liver failure are Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis E. Hepatitis A and E infections are caused by food contamination, while Hepatitis B infections are transmitted through blood infusions or needle pricks into the bloodstream.

Infections due to hepatitis A and E are less, and the damage to the liver is mostly reversible.

Kauvery Hospital

A patient with acute liver failure should be started with liver failure treatment, irrespective of the causes. At Kauvery Hospital, we have an intensive care unit that can take care of these emergencies. To get the best liver transplant in Chennai, visit our hospital.


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Saturday, August 27, 2022

Brain Tumour – Treatment


best neurologist in Salem
A brain tumour is the growth of abnormal cells in the brain. There are four grades of brain tumours. Patients with grade 1 or grade 2 cancer have a better prognosis when compared to patients with grade 4 cancer.

Treatment for Brain Tumour

The multi-modality treatment for brain cancer now includes surgery for the early grade cancers and may consist of radiotherapy in the later grades.

Harvey Gushing is known as the father of neurosurgery, and before his contribution to the medical field, brain surgery was considered dangerous. Harvey Gushing reduced brain surgery mortality from 40% to 11%.

Currently, neurosurgical practices have advanced with time with the help of technologies. For the last 15 years, all neurosurgeries have been performed using high-end microscopes. These are large equipment which weighs about 400 to 500kgs. It gives the surgeons unparalleled vision, which is 20 to 30 times more magnified than normal vision. With the help of these microscopes, the surgeons can perform the procedure with high precision.


Also Read: Brain and Spine Tumour


 There are even modalities in these operating microscopes like tumour fluorescence, vessel fluorescence, and more. This was not possible 10 years ago. All these innovations and technologies have helped improve the outcome for the patients.

Neuronavigation has significantly progressed in the last 10-15 years. Feeding the 3D MRI in the neuronavigational equipment is now possible, and the brain can be mapped to submillimetre accuracy.

Kauvery Hospital

Early brain tumour diagnosis and advanced treatment technologies can help save the patient’s life. Suppose you notice symptoms of a brain tumour like a headache in the early morning, vomiting, double vision and a weakness of the upper limbs; it is crucial to consult a neurosurgeon or neurologist immediately. To consult the best neurologist in Salem, visit kauvery hospital.

Acid reflux – Signs and Symptoms


best gastroenterologist in Chennai

GERD is a common problem related to the stomach. Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) is a condition in which the acid in the stomach reaches the food pipe for specific reasons.

Causes of GERD

While there are many causes, unhealthy food habits are the most common reason for acid reflux. Risk factors involved with GERD are obesity and pressure on the stomach.

Treatment for GERD

Without proper treatment, the lower part of the food pipe shrinks with time, making eating hard. Rarely, this can cause Barrett’s esophagus, which can later develop into cancer. Hence it is essential to note the signs and Symptoms of GERD fast and get the appropriate treatment done.

For treatment, the gastroenterologist may suggest taking acid-suppressing agents and lifestyle modifications. Avoiding spicy foods, beverages, and oily foods would be recommended. Also, eating, sleeping, waking up at the right time, and regular exercise will help control the condition.

Surgery is suggested if the problem persists despite the medications and lifestyle modifications. Some patients may experience GERD because of hiatus hernia; surgery may greatly improve the quality of life for these patients. This surgery can be done with the help of laproscopy.

Kauvery Hospital

GERD is a common condition, but without treatment, it can worsen. If you experience any symptoms related to GERD, visit a gastroenterology doctor. For a consultation with the best gastroenterologist in Chennai, visit Kauvery hospital.


Saturday, July 30, 2022

Causes of Acute Liver Failure

Acute liver failure is a critical condition that everyone should be aware of. If left untreated, it can be fatal.

Liver Disease

Causes of Acute Liver Failure

There are several causes of acute deterioration of the liver.

·         Drug overdose – This is the most common cause, and it can be accidental or suicidal; it causes liver injury and later leads to liver failure

·         Intake of over-the-counter drugs, which are hepatotoxic. While visiting a liver specialist, it is important to tell them about the medicines you have taken or are presently consuming

·         Autoimmune conditions – The body’s immune system attacks the liver cells and causes liver failure

·         Intake of rat killer poison accidentally or intentionally – is most common in North and South India

·         Metabolic conditions like Wilson’s  disease

·         Few conditions of pregnancy – not very common

·         Herbal medicines can be hepatotoxic

·         Another common cause of liver failure is viral hepatitis 


Also Read: 5 Stages of Liver Disease


 Kauvery Hospital

Acute liver failure should be treated immediately, so the patient should be aware of the condition. At Kauvery Hospital, we have the best liver specialists in Chennai, and we can provide the best care possible for you with advanced equipment.

10 Essential Tips for Effective Skin Cancer Prevention

Skin cancer is one of the most common cancers worldwide, but it is also highly preventable. Understanding the causes of skin cancer and tak...