Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Best Exercise Plan for Diabetics

Best Diabetologist in Chennai

 Diabetic patients need to keep their sugar levels in control to prevent long-term health problems.

Managing sugar level

There are 4 main factors involved in managing the sugar level in diabetic patients.

  •          Balanced diet
  •          Regular exercise
  •          Proper intake of prescribed medications and insulin
  •         Checking sugar levels regularly

What are the benefits of regular exercise?

There are a lot of benefits involved with regular exercise. Some of them are

  • Keeping sugar level in check
  • Controlling high blood pressure
  • Reducing bad cholesterol in our blood
  • Helping maintain optimum weight
  • Preventing heart diseases and stroke
  • Strengthening of bones and muscles
  • Reducing stress levels



Exercise plan

It would be best to exercise a minimum of 30 minutes a day and a maximum of 2 to 2.5 hours a day.

There are 4 major types of exercise

  •         Aerobic or endurance exercises – jogging, walking, running, swimming, etc
  •          Resistance or muscle-strengthening exercise – weightlifting, pushups, etc
  •          Flexibility exercise – yoga
  •          Balance exercises – standing on one leg, toe walking, heel walking, balanced walking, taichi, and more.

All age groups of people can do aerobic exercises. Resistance exercises are done to increase bone and muscle strength, and flexibility exercises increase flexibility and reduce tension. Balance exercises are usually recommended for older adults since they tend to lose balance a lot with age.

Kauvery Hospital

For best results, it is recommended to perform a mix of all these 4 types of exercises. Diabetes can be easily managed with simple lifestyle changes and a balanced diet. Contact Kauvery Hospital if you need help.


Best Diabetologist in Chennai | Best Diabetologist in Salem | Best Diabetologist in Trichy | Best Diabetologist in Hosur




All about Blood Cancer


Best Oncologist in Chennai
May 28th is celebrated as World blood cancer day. Awareness about the topic is scarce in India, especially in Tamil Nadu. In the paediatric group, 1 in 3 cancers is a blood cancer. Even among older groups, blood cancer has become very common.

Types of blood cancer

There are many types of blood cancer, but the 3 most common ones include

  •          Lymphoma
  •          Leukaemia
  •          Myeloma

Lymphoma usually presents as a lump in the neck, armpits, or thigh region.

Leukaemia occurs due to excessive white blood cells in the body. The patient might experience fever, body pain, lumps, bleeding from the mouth or nose, and tiredness.

Myeloma is a unique type of blood cancer that can damage the blood, kidneys, and bones. Patients may present with symptoms of Anemia, breathlessness, acute renal failure, bone fracture, spine fracture, and more.

Leukaemia can be classified into acute and chronic leukaemia. Acute leukaemia starts at an early stage and worsens within a short period. Chronic leukaemia might stay for a longer period. The patients develop symptoms slowly. If untreated, both types lead to death.



Also Read: Types of Cancer Treatments



Diagnosis of blood cancer

A basic blood test is done to check the haemoglobin, WBC, and Platelet count. This can give a basic idea of the patient’s health.

With most blood cancers, the WBC count is relatively high. A peripheral smear test is done to check the type of blood cancer. Other tests include biopsy, bone marrow test, CT scan, and PET scan is done.

Kauvery Hospital

If the blood cancer is found early, effective life-saving treatment can be given to the patient. If you notice any lumps or abnormal symptoms mentioned above, it is best to consult with an oncologist immediately and get the appropriate tests done. Kauvery hospital has world-class treatment standards, and along with the best cancer specialists in Chennai, we are confident in providing the premiere treatment for our patients.


Best Oncologist in Chennai | Best Oncologist in Salem | Best Oncologist in Trichy | Best Oncologist in Hosur


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